Cellulite is all-too-familiar to many people, and most want to get off it. Cellulite is simply visible fat that forms under layers of skin. If the connective tissues of the skin are not tight, the fat will peek through the layers and be displayed in visible lumps and bumps that create a cottage cheese type of appearance.
Because of hormonal differences and looser skin structure, women are more prone to developing cellulite than men. There are many treatments on the market, some legitimate and others not. To determine whether these methods work, it is important to know what cellulite is and why it appears.
Some remedies that sound like hype, such as brushing the affected areas, can have some effect, whereas other methods, such as certain creams, may not solve the problem. Your best best is proper exercise and diet to reduce cellulite.
1. There are Several Varieties of Cellulite
When people complain about cellulite, we think we know what they mean. However, there is more than one type of cellulite. If you know what type of cellulite you have and what the causes are, you can most effectively treat the problem. Poor health habits, especially excesses and deficiencies in diet can cause adipose cellulite, which is often referred to as orange peel cellulite.
If you experience water retention because of sodium imbalance or the onset of menstruation, you may notice oedematous cellulite. This issue may be temporary and can disappear or be reduced when the water retention problem is solved. However, fibrotic cellulite forms in layers of fat and can be difficult to reverse. Mesotherapy can be helpful in addressing fibrotic cellulite. Mesotherapy involves injections of vitamins and natural materials into the skin to attack fat cells. Improved diet and exercise can also help.