The patellar tendon is the ligament that connects the tibia to the patella, and it’s common for people who have taken repetitive strain to their knees to develop inflammation, swelling or other injuries of the patellar tendon. Also called jumpers knee, it can commonly be seen in joggers, walkers and anyone who spends a lot of time on their feet putting pressure on their knees.
It can be a very painful and uncomfortable condition, and in extreme cases, it can even require surgery to fix if the condition has been allowed to progress to the point where it impairs movement – but there are plenty of exercises that you can do at home which can reduce your chances of ever needing knee surgery and help to heal the tendon after any recent severe injuries to the patellar tendon.
Here are 8 of the best exercises to help heal patellar tendon injuries.
1. Assisted Wall Squats
Assisted wall squats are one of the best possible exercises for strengthening the knee, and it also happens to be good for several other muscle groups at a time, including the core and the back. It’s often recommended as a natural recovery treatment after a patellar tendon injury, and it’s also often used to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine if there are any back injuries present or when muscle strengthening is needed.
Wall squats should be done while standing with the back against a wall and with one foot pressed up against the wall; the added assistance should come from a Pilates ball which ensures that you don’t put more added pressure on the body than it can currently handle.
This exercise can go a long way towards strengthening the patellar tendon after any injuries have occurred, and just a few minutes per day can help to further healing.