Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects millions of women around the world. One of its main symptoms is ovarian cysts that appear in one or both ovaries, but it has many others, including hirsutism – excessive body hair in unwanted areas -, insulin resistance – such as what happens in type II diabetes – and infertility among others. Even if there is no known cure for this condition, its symptoms are believed to be relieved if you make the right dietary choices. Toxicants such as those found in the environment and in non organic food can make the condition worse, so a diet high in aliments that can help detoxify your body and aid the liver function could make your symptoms less severe if you have PCOS. So if that is your case, here is a list of 10 best foods for a successful polycystic ovarian syndrome diet.
1. Carrots and beets
This is kind of a two in one, because these two foods are on this list for the same reason, so it felt right to put them together on one paragraph. Carrots and beets grow under the earth and are the root of a plant, so they have many nutrients that were once meant as storage for the whole vegetable. You can expect to find many beneficial substances here that you can eat to improve your health.
Carrots and beets have antiinflamatory and antifungal properties, so they help your body fight some conditions that can worsen your PCOS. Also, they have many vitamins that promote the natural healing process of your liver, including repairing the cells that have been damaged, as well as regenerating old or damaged tissue. Along this article we will delve deeper into why your liver is fundamental for relieving your PCOS symptoms.