Have you ever experienced a nosebleed? You might have been punched in the nose before at least one time before in your life, and statistics say that this is a very likely event – it has happened to many people, and it’s going to happen to many more people as time goes on. It’s a simple part of life. But then there are the slightly more bizarre causes of a nosebleed for which sometimes there seems to be no cause at all.
What about those types of nosebleeds? Here’s an investigation into why nosebleeds happen – and ten really bizarre causes for a nosebleed that you might not have thought of before now. Have you ever had a nosebleed happen because of any of these really bizarre reasons? Here are ten really bizarre nosebleed causes that you should remember if you ever have a nosebleed yourself or see someone else who is.
1. Trauma to the Nose
Okay, so we can go ahead and say that the first potential cause for a severe nosebleed is a fairly obvious one – and one that you might have guessed even far before you started reading this article, to begin with. The first cause for a nosebleed is a severe trauma to the nose, which can happen in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons.
The most obvious is taking a punch to the face – one that’s hard enough to cause the blood vessels and tissues in the nose to burst, which causes the bleeding to start. Other less obvious ways that the nose could start bleeding due to sudden trauma include people who are in the habit of picking their noses – this repeated action can burst tiny vessels in the nose and lead to what’s basically an instant nosebleed. This can sometimes be severe if left untreated.