A common condition that causes a person to experience discomfort in the outer area of the hip joint is hip bursitis. People who suffer from hip bursitis often will complain about discomfort while walking or other physical activity. They may also experience pain when they try to lie on the side that is affected during the night.
Fortunately, there are a few simple steps that a person can do in order to overcome some of the pain that is associated with hip bursitis. Limiting pressure from the bursa, alleviating inflammation, and restoring normal movement in the hip joint will often help resolve the majority of the symptoms. Most of the time invasive treatments such as surgery are not necessary in order to get rid of the pain that is caused by hip bursitis. Here are 8 daily habits that can help to heal hip bursitis so that you can resume your normal activities.
1. Bridge Exercise
Starting your day with the bridge exercise is a great way to help heal and prevent hip bursitis. This exercise will help to get your muscles activated, engaged, and working. This can help to support you for the rest of your day. To do this exercise you will simply lie on your back and bend your legs at the knee. Your feet should be flat on the floor and be apart at hip-width.
You will then need to press down through the ankles and then raise the butt off of the floor. Make sure to tighten your abdominal muscles. Your knees need to stay aligned with your ankles. Hold the position for as long as you can and then release it. Repeat this exercise a few times each morning to start your day. This exercise helps to stretch out the hips and the legs and also strengthens the abs.