Nephrotic syndrome is a condition of the kidneys, which causes too much protein to be produced in the urine. When this happens, the ankles and feet will become swollen and weight gain will occur. Once a person is diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, the primary care doctor or nephrologist will prescribe the person’s blood pressure medication and water pills.
A lot of the times with nephrotic syndrome there is an underlying condition that has to be treated first. Even if the underlying condition is treated first, the blood pressure medication and water pills can treat nephrotic syndrome as well.
With this condition, it can last for years or a person’s entire lifetime. That’s why it’s important that a person maintains a proper diet with nephrotic syndrome. The same foods a person was eating in the past have to be eliminated from his or her diet. The doctor may suggest a low sodium diet.
1. Frozen dinners and entrees
It should be avoided with nephrotic syndrome because it’s nothing but processed foods that are loaded with sodium. Frozen meals and entrees are small portions sized and dieters may think they’re good to eat because it can prevent them from overeating. That isn’t the case. In fact, it is the opposite.
Since the portion sizes are small and the meals are loaded with sugar and sodium, it will cause dieters to eat more. It would be better if a person prepared and cook their own meals because a person can put a limit on how much sodium is in the food, such as salt.
Plus, by preparing and cooking a meal, a person can save money because frozen dinners and entrees are expensive. Processed foods are made in a factory and seasonings that are on the meal itself may not be good for someone with nephrotic syndrome.