Bedwetting or nighttime urination during sleep is a common symptom associated with younger children, but a lot of people don’t realize that it also affects a large part of the adult population as a temporary or chronic condition. As much as 2 to 3 percent of adults are estimated to experience bedwetting, and these statistics might be even higher because of the fact that it’s a problem not a lot of people want to admit they have been struggling with.
If you experience bedwetting, the first thing you should know is that the condition and most of the things that cause it can usually be treated – and often times at home with just a few lifestyle adaptations and home remedies. There’s no reason to be embarrassed or to let this small symptom make you suffer.
Here are 8 easy home remedies that are known to help with bedwetting, and might even be able to cure the symptom for the long-term.
1. Changing Your Meal Time
Some of the first factors that can trigger bedwetting in adults are dietary ones: There are many foods that can upset your body or lead to bladder and kidney infections that can have a temporary bout of bedwetting as a symptom associated with it, and if you experience regular bedwetting one of the first things you should do is take a closer look at your diet and cut out any artificial ingredients.
If it’s not caused by what you’re eating, it could very well be caused by when you’re eating instead. If you eat too late in the day or you’re known for getting up to have midnight snacks, it’s common that your body is having trouble digesting that late in your routine. This places strain on the body and bladder, and some people wake up while others just don’t.
Adjust your meal times to see if it makes a difference.