Pink Eye, also called Conjunctivitis, is common. It appears as redness, swelling, and an itching sensation around the eye. It can appear in one or both eyes. It is caused by viruses, bacteria, and more. What appears as Pink Eye sometimes is actually Red Eye, which has very similar symptoms, but is slightly different. Pink Eye should be quarantined. Red Eye does not need to be. No one likes to use their vacation days to enjoy pink eye alone at home, but… if it prevents another victim… it’s worth it!
First line of defense against Pink Eye is hand washing. Second line of defense is not sharing washcloths or face towels with other people. It is convenient in that it will clear up on its own, within about ten days. This is good news for your pocket book, even though it is mildly irritating due to the itchiness and less than desirable appearance. So, if at all possible, it would be preferable to avoid it all together. Here are 10 informative bits that can help you to avoid getting pink eye to begin with, or at least understand why you have it, if you have acquired it already!
1. Viral infections
Pink Eye caused by viruses is very contagious. Also, there is no medical treatment for viruses, so even more so… this type is preferred to be quarantined! The virus most commonly responsible is the adenovirus. This virus often credible for upper respiratory type infections, such as a sore throat.
The herpes virus can also cause this type of pink eye infection. Unique symptoms of pink eye specific to this type include swollen or tenderness in front of ears, excessive tears, and whitish discharge. If you have an impaired immune system, the rule that this clears up on its own will likely be impaired, and you should seek medical attention. Also, pink eye of this variety caused by the herpes virus does have medical treatment available.