2. Sesame Seed Oil Rinse
The sesame seed oil rinse is definitely an effective treatment for receding gums. It has also been referred to with the term “oil pulling”, prominently in Ayurvedic medicine. You can get some great results just by rinsing your mouth with sesame seed oil.
The oil of sesame seeds holds powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which is what makes it such a great option for treating a myriad of oral problems. Grab a tablespoon filled to the brim with sesame oil and then swish it in your mouth for around 15 minutes.
There’s no exact ideal time so you’re free to leave it longer if you want. Most people agree that the best time to spit the sesame seed oil out is when you notice its consistency becoming thinner as this is likely an indicator that it has diluted with your saliva. Be sure to rinse your mouth with water after spitting the oil out.