2. Replace Your Toothbrush
The next time you visit your bathroom, take a look at your toothbrush. We all see this oral care device as clean and sanitary, after all – we put it in our mouth, don’t we? Unfortunately, you may not feel the same way about your toothbrush ever again after reading this segment.
In reality, toothbrushes are pretty dirty. Not only do we use them to brush away plaque and pieces of food from our mouth, but they have exposure to particles in the air as well. If you keep your toothbrush within three feet from your toilet, its collecting feces particles from the air every time you flush.
If you experience a cold sore outbreak, it’s best if you replace your toothbrush. Toothbrush heads retain trace particles of the virus, and it’s vital that you throw away your toothbrush after your infection begins to clear to avoid another outbreak. If you own an electric toothbrush, change the head and wipe down the handle with surgical spirits to kill off any traces of HSV.