In many parts of the world, cherry trees are bountiful with their deliciously tasty and oh-so succulent fruits. Those red, meaty, sweet, yet somewhat tart fruits have a delightful flavor that is nearly impossible to resist, you may be wondering if they offer any particular health benefits. Well, the answer to that is a resounding YES!
Cherries are hailed as one of the healthiest of all fruits, and in fact, they are one of the healthiest foods overall. A single cup of this fruit or around 20 cherries has less than 90 calories, about 3 grams of fiber, and plenty of vitamin C (around 16 percent of the daily recommended intake). On top of all that, cherries are also packed with powerful antioxidants, potassium, and even melotonin. With so many valuable nutrients, it’s easy to see why cherries are such a healthy food choice.
Here’s a look at 12 of the biggest health benefits you’ll reap when you make cherries a regular part of your diet.
1. Eases Arthritic Pain
If you suffer from arthritis, you know how debilitating the pain in your joints can be. The pain can become so unbearable that it can inhibit your ability to complete everyday tasks, such as walking and climbing stairs. That pain and the decrease in mobility can have a direct effect on your overall well-being, making you feel depressed and anxious. However, eating more cherries can prove to be an effective way to help alleviate the pain that is associated with arthritis.
That is because cherries contain tons of anti-inflammatory properties that have been proven to reduce arthritic joint pain. Tart cherries, in particular, have been found to drastically reduce inflammation in the joints, which is what leads to the pain that those with arthritis experience. So, make sure to add more cherries to your diet or drink natural cherry juice if you want to ease your pain.