Everyone knows that getting a foot massage every so often can go a long way to help us relax, especially after a day of being on your feet. While everyone knows this, what most people do not know is that there are many other benefits of getting a foot massage.
There are several massage techniques and all promise specific health benefits. From relaxing your muscles to being good for your circulation, a good foot massage can even improve your sex life. With all of the benefits that a foot massage has to offer, there is no reason not to know a little bit about massaging the feet.
You can massage your own feet or offer to massage your partner’s feet in return for him or her rubbing yours. No matter what, there are a few things that you should know in order to provide yourself or your partner with a great foot massage.
1. Treating Dry Skin
If you are suffering from dry skin that is scaly on the bottom of your feet, there are several things that you can do in order to get rid of this condition. One way to make your feet softer and to get rid of that dry and scaly skin is to use an exfoliating mask on the bottoms of your feet.
To use the exfoliating mask for your feet simply follow the directions on the package. You will leave this mask on your feet for several minutes. When it is time to wash it off you will be amazed at how soft and scale feet your feet will be.
Make sure that you rub your feet around the toes and all the way down to the heels after you remove the mask. This will help to keep the moisturizing mask on the skin and will make them feel softer for many days to come.