Neck pain is becoming more and more common nowadays, mostly as a result of our lifestyle. Especially in the city, where stress and tension are commonplace, people tend to develop neck pain several times in their lives. In some cases, the pain is mild and goes away by itself, but sometimes it can become chronical, and even be so intense that it makes it more difficult, or even impossible, to perform our daily tasks.
If you have chronic neck pain or have developed an accute pain that is difficult to treat with home remedies, you should see a doctor and get some advice. Perhaps there is something in your lifestyle or even a health condition that is causing it and you don’t even know it. in the meantime, here are some tricks that you can use at home to treat your neck pain and find a quick relief before your appointment.
1. Stretches
One of the main causes of neck pain is excessive tension of the muscles. There are many possible causes for this. For example, a bad posture can overwork some muscles around your neck. When a muscle makes an effort, it becomes shorter and thicker; excessive effort could mean that it becomes difficult for the muscle to regain its original flexibility, and as a result the fibers get inflammated and that causes pain. Another possible cause or muscular tension is psychological tension, for example stress, anxiety and fear.
Whatever the reason is, you can relief your neck’s tension by stretching the overly contracted muscles. This will relieve the inflammation and, therefore, the pain and the stiffness. Be gentle to your neck, listen to your body and pay attention to how your pain behaves. Use your hand to gently pull your head sideways and forwards, until you feel your muscles stretching.