2. Diarrhea or Constipation
Obviously, everyone experiences diarrhea and constipation at some point in their lives. These are normal digestive problems that can be caused by changing your diet drastically, not getting enough fiber, getting too much fiber or dozens of other things.
But diarrhea and constipation can also be symptoms of gluten intolerance. The way that you can differentiate experiencing diarrhea and constipation normally from that caused by a gluten allergy is simply by the frequency; if you have regular constipation or diarrhea, then there is likely a chronic problem such as gluten intolerance.
Otherwise, you will probably be able to attribute those digestive problems to something else. You can always talk to your doctor if you are not sure. Your healthcare provider will have tests available or protocols to help you determine whether you do indeed have a gluten intolerance. He or she can also give you advice on treating the problem if one exists.