The Hibiscus is one of the world’s most versatile flowering plants, and one of the first things that you should know about the magical plant is the fact that it’s happy to grow pretty much anywhere – and under any circumstances, as long as the plant has access to the right nutrients.
It’s more than just a gorgeous flower: The flowers of the Hibiscus plant also happen to be edible, and you can also brew them into a tea. There are plenty of health benefits that are associated with the regular consumption of Hibiscus tea – although take note that it’s not recommended for use during pregnancy.
Many studies show that this great tea can be used to naturally lower blood pressure and cholesterol – and boost the immune system. It’s even versatile enough to become an addition to a tea that you already enjoy.
Here are 8 amazing things that hibiscus tea can do for you.
1. Strengthens the Immune System
When people think of compounds that contain plenty of vitamin C, the first thing they think of is reaching for the oranges or blueberries – but there are many other things that you can include in your diet that include even more vitamin C than the options you would normally think of. Hibiscus tea is one of these great things, and it contains far more vitamin C than you would find in your average orange.
When your immune system is compromised, your body is vulnerable – and you can get sick a lot easier.
Just a few cups of Hibiscus tea per week can increase your levels of Vitamin C (and many other essential compounds!) and boost your immune system tenfold; this is a much better, cheaper and more natural option than over-the-counter supplements – and there are many more associated health benefits that come with the inclusion of hibiscus tea to your diet.