People who are suffering from borderline personality disorder find that their life experience is akin to a ride on an emotional rollercoaster. Affected individuals struggle with maintaining a stable balance in their lives, with many having issues with self-image and self-confidence, leading to frequent feelings of uncertainty and depression.
People dealing with borderline personality disorder feel disconnected from their life. They may find that they frequently change their habits, and what they like and dislike – including people, food, and hobbies. BPD makes it challenging for the affected individual to maintain relationships and intimacy with their partner, resulting in strain between the partners.
However, it is possible to lead a normal, productive, and healthy life if you suffer from the condition. Physicians use medications to manage the patient’s emotional state, and studies show that this treatment is effective at giving the patient back control of their emotional state.
Here are eight behavioral symptoms of BPD. If you notice any of them in yourself, your partner, or a family member, speak to a doctor for a diagnosis of your condition.
1. Instability in Relationships
People who are dealing with borderline personality disorder tend to struggle with maintaining a healthy relationship with their partners. As a result of the condition, the patient may find that they experience extremes in emotion regarding how they feel about their relationship.
It’s common for people with BPD to either decide that their partner is the love of their life, and the one they have waited for all their days. However, they may be quick to turn on their partner and change their feelings on a whim, with no rhyme or reason for their actions.
People with BPD may also struggle to maintain relationships with friends. They tend to cut their friend off from their life at the first sign of disloyalty or disagreement with their thinking. As a result, people who are suffering from BPD may find that they push people away, forcing themselves into isolation.
Family members are also at the mercy of the condition, and the affected individual may be quick to cut family ties during an emotional outburst.