Foot pain can be really annoying at the best of times and completely debilitating at the worst of times. Anyone can be affected at any time by foot pain and whilst the causes are very varied, the effects of having to deal with foot pain can be incredibly disruptive to someone’s daily routine.
The best plan of action is always to take a load of off and to put your feet up, as they say, but there are other options available for someone suffering from extreme foot pain. If choosing over the counter medicines or visiting a medical professional is not what you feel like doing, you could always go down the natural remedy route to find relief.
Listed and described here are 8 natural remedies that you could try to help rejuvenate and refresh those tired feet and get them on the road to recovery. If you look after your feet, they’ll look after you.
1. Use Moist Heat
Excessive weight-bearing and the overuse of the muscle in the feet can lead to foot pain. Think of a waiter or a waitress who is on their feet and incredibly busy for a long period of time, or even a long-distance walker or runner.
The aching feet that these people may experience are usually due to simply being overused and overworked. One of the best natural ways to help soothe foot pain is to use moist heat. The best way to employ moist heat is with a foot bath or a foot spa.
Anything up to 10 minutes with your feet in a warm basin, shallow bathtub or foot spa will be enough to give you some vital relief and if you add some Epsom salts into the mix, you could really boost the effectiveness of the treatment. Heat and moisture work so well on their own and even better when used together.