Even though everyone might not like to admit it, everyone takes a look into the toilet bowl every once in a while when they’re done to see the result of their movement. It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but shouldn’t be – this can be one of the most important things that you do every day, and it’s just important to know what comes out of you as opposed to following a healthy diet and knowing what goes in.
Poop can tell a lot about you. It can say so much about your health that doctors have an official scale for comparing what you poop to what’s considered a healthy poop color.
Sometimes the color of your poop might indicate a direct symptom: The sign that something has to be diagnosed and treated, with your poop as one of the first indicators.
If you have light brown stools, then there are several things that might indicate your health.
Here are 14 of the most frequent causes of light brown poop that you should know about.
1. Antibiotics
Antibiotics are one of the first things that your doctor will prescribe when you are fighting off an infection or illness, and permitting that you finish the course from start to end, they can help you to get rid of the potential signs of an infection much faster than if you had done it without For severe infections, antibiotics could be lifesaving and the only way in which to treat the symptoms of whatever condition you might have.
But antibiotics aren’t flawless: They help you to battle the signs of an infection, but they can also cause side-effects associated with taking them. The digestive system almost always responds to a course of antibiotics with stomach upsets (and might respond with light brown stools in the first few days of taking the antibiotics).
This is normal for a few days, although see your doctor if the condition’s side-effects continue beyond this.