Eating disorders are very common but can be very dangerous. They can affect people of all ages and can come in many forms. The type of eating disorder a person has can determine the way they act about food and how much they eat. Some eating disorders involve eating too much food, some involve eating too much food and others involve eating too little food.
Some people binge each, which means they eat a lot of food in a short amount of time and then choose to make themselves throw up so they don’t absorb any of the calories. All eating disorders are dangerous and can result in permanent damage to major organs in the body. Most people require counseling or even inpatient treatment to get over an eating disorder. Knowing the cause of the eating disorder can help determine the right treatment or course of action. Here are 14 common causes of eating disorders.
1. Family History Of Addiction
People who have a family history of addiction are much more likely to develop an eating disorder than those who have no history of addiction. Many people who have eating disorders actually have food addictions. Some have overcome other addictions and now use food as a coping method to help them avoid the other things they were addicted too. Food may seem like the safer option but if a person becomes addicted to food they may find a way to purge it. This can result in an eating disorder.
Some people also deal with addiction by not eating at all. Starving themselves makes them feel a little more in control and this feeling becomes addicting itself they continue to start themselves so they can focus on feeling in control for longer periods of time. Eventually, they may stop eating at all or their eating disorder can lead to other addictions as they search for something that starvation no longer causes them to feel.