Ovarian torsion is a condition where the ovary wraps around the ligament that holds it in place. It may wrap around one time or numerous times, and it may cause severe pain or just minor discomfort. It may twist partially around the ligament or all the way. If there is a complete torsion, the blood flow to the ovary may be blocked off. If this is not corrected immediately, it can cause the tissue to die and cause severe complications.
In some cases, ovarian torsion may correct itself before any problems occur. Most women will need to undergo surgery to have the problem correct.
There are several things that can cause ovarian torsion, and determining the cause can help you prevent future problems. Many of the causes require specific treatments and can cause other problems too.
Here are the eight most common causes of ovarian torsion. If you think you may be at risk, talk to your doctor.
1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that affects thousands of women and can cause a variety of symptoms. It can make cause weight gain and fertility issues. It can also cause cramping, bloating, irritability, and abdominal pain. In some instances, it can cause ovarian torsion. If the cysts grow on or around the ligaments or ovaries, it can cause them to twist around the ligaments. The condition can also cause hormonal changes that can cause the torsion as well.
Since so many women with this condition experience discomfort and pain in their reproductive organs, it can be hard for them to tell if the pain caused by ovarian torsion is something new and any reason to seek medical attention. It is typically found during a regular exam or ultrasound. This can sometimes be too late, and doctors may not be able to correct the problem in time to save the ovary.