An interesting fact that you may not know is that each and every one of the nerves in your body is actually protected by a sheath. No, we’re not referring to somewhere that you’d store your knife. A sheath in the context of medicine is a protective tissue that surrounds your nerves and keeps them safe from damage. That being said, there are some instances in which a tumor could develop on this sheaths.
These types of tumors are known as schwannomas. They can lead to various symptoms such as a loss of balance and even problems balancing — which could put someone in harm’s way. Other symptoms include muscle weakness and burning pain that emanates from the schwannoma itself. Knowing what causes these schwannomas is important because it helps you prevent such an occurrence. Without further adieu, here are eight common causes of schwannoma.
1. NF2
NF2 stands for neurofibromatosis 2 and is one of the leading causes of schwannomas. In cases of NF2, patients will notice that non-cancerous tumors may develop. These tumors that are caused by NF2 typically grow around the spinal cord and brain. Schwannomas can also develop due to NF2 when tumors grow in the sheath of the nerve. The protective tissues that make up these nerve sheats are actually known as Schwann cells hence the term schwannoma.
The most common type of schwannomas that develop in patients who suffer from NF2 is spinal cord schwannomas. It’s essential that you immediately treat schwannomas especially when they are located on the spinal cord as, if they are left untreated, it could lead to paralysis. Early treatment for spinal cord schwannomas is essential to ensuring that no lasting damage occurs. Once paralysis ensues, it’s very difficult to undo it.