There are more than 200,000 cases of sprained thumb in the United States each year. A sprained thumb is an injury to the ligament or tissue that connects the bone at the base of the thumb. It occurs when the thumb is overextended or torn when a lot of stress is put onto it.
Certain sports can cause a sprained thumb, such as tennis, football, and basketball. It can be self-treated unless it’s serious, which will need to be seen by a primary care doctor. When you have a sprained thumb there are eight common signs to look out for.
A sprained thumb doesn’t last long. It can last from a few days to weeks. As long as you treat it as soon as you find out it’s sprained. The longer you wait, the more pain you will be in and it could get infected, which will cause you to need antibiotics.
1. Pain is a common sign of a sprained thumb.
The pain is felt in the thumb area and whenever you move it backward. For instance, if you have a job that requires you to use your hand, it may cause pain because even though you may not use your thumb, you have to use your other fingers.
The thumb sometimes moves backward on its own. When this happens, you will experience pain. In order to keep from the thumb having to move backward, you can put a splint on it. The splint will keep the thumb in place and allow it to heal in the process.
Whenever you feel pain take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Tylenol. It should stop the pain in a few minutes. It is a good idea to only take them as directed. Taking too many at once can cause side effects, such as drowsiness.