2. Petechiae.
Another symptom that individuals who suffer from low platelet counts are petechiae. This condition presents a tiny round, flat, red spots. Usually, the lower extremities are affected, but these spots can appear on any part of the body. Additionally, numerous spots appear.
Petechiae occurs as a result of intradermal hemorrhage or bleeding within the skin. The spots are red in color because they are comprised of red blood cells that have leaked out of the capillaries into the skin. While these spots are usually red in color, they can also appear as purple or brown.
Regardless of the color, the spots do not become lighter when they are pressed on. The spots are rather small, similar in size to a pinpoint, and because multiple spots appear, petechiae can look like a rash. While several factors can contribute to petechiae, low platelets are one of the most common causes.