A staph infection can refer to a number of different conditions that are caused by staphylococcus bacteria. About 25 percent of healthy people have some type of staph bacteria present on their skin. The bacteria may reside in the nose, mouth, on the feet, and in the genitals, as well as other bodies and may not produce any type of symptom.
In cases where an infection develops the severity of the infection can range from an easy to treat skin condition to a more severe health issue. The bacteria may affect the internal organs and how they function. Typically a staph infection will be treated with antibiotics and may require the infected areas to be drained. The earlier that a staph infection is detected, the better. For this reason, knowing the signs and symptoms of a staph infection is important. Here are 8 of the early signs of a staph infection to watch for.
1. Boils
One of the most common early symptoms of a staph infection is a boil that appears on the skin. These boils are the least alarming of the symptoms associated with the staph bacteria. When the infection is mild, a boil or area of pus-filled skin will erupt in the area of a hair follicle or oil gland. These boils may appear on the neck, face, buttocks, groin, or in the armpits.
The area that is affected by the infection may become swollen and red as well. It also may become tender to touch. If you notice the appearance of boils on the skin it is a good idea to have them seen by a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help with the infection. In addition, the boil may be drained. Draining the boil can help ensure that the area heals more quickly. Using a warm compress on the boil may help it to drain more quickly.