Blindness is a condition that affects thousands of people all over the world, and while many cases of blindness can be present from birth, there are just as many cases of blindness that were developed later on in life due to an eye injury, or an eye or health condition. You should know that there is a range of different health conditions which can be the cause of eventual blindness – especially if you have a family history of partial-sightedness, eye conditions or blindness.
This becomes more true with certain other risk factors that can include high blood pressure, cholesterol and a compromised immune system. Most of these health conditions could have been treated with a diagnosis ahead of time. Regular appointments with a range of doctors, including an ophthalmologist and cardiologist, are crucial to keeping your health in good condition.
Here are 8 early warning signs of blindness that you should know about.
1. Blurred Vision
Blurred vision can be one of the first early signs that there’s something wrong with your health that you should have checked out, and it’s a symptom that can be associated with a wide range of different health conditions depending on how and when you experience it. Sometimes blurred vision happens suddenly and lasts only for a little while – in this case, temporary eye injury and high or low blood pressure can be the cause of this; blood sugar levels can also be the cause of blurred vision, and it’s up to tests to find out the cause.
Many of these conditions can have eventual blindness as a consequence, with higher risks if the condition is left untreated (or treated with the wrong course of action).
Sometimes blurred vision occurs permanently, and can be due to a variety of different conditions affecting the eye including glaucoma and cataracts, many of which are treatable in the early stages.