2. Swelling of the Knee Joint
Swelling is usually one of the first symptoms that you will experience in the case of a break, fracture or sprain – and it’s one of the most important symptoms that could tell you when it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor or get to the emergency room.
Where it’s a tibial plateau fracture, the swelling will always affect the knee, almost always be extremely painful and almost always result in swelling of the knee joint – either at the front of the knee, the sides or the back.
Swelling is also likely to include bruising in the case of a tibial plateau fracture. Depending on how the injury was sustained in the first place, there might be associated swelling located around the injury site, too, although not always.
Applying ice and pressure immediately after the injury can often help to reduce the initial swelling directly after the injury, and it’s recommended to keep it immobilized.