2. Epsom Salt
When you hear the word salt you may automatically think about something that you put on your food. However Epsom salt is not a salt that you eat. The name comes from the chemical structure of this substance.
When Epsom salt is added to water it breaks down into sulfate and magnesium. Adding some Epsom salt to a warm bath allows the body to soak these chemicals in. This can help to reduce swelling, pain, and bruises.
When taking an Epsom salt bath it is important to use water that is quite warm. Add at least one or two cups of the salt to the bath. You should make sure that you soak your feet in the Epsom salt water for a minimum of twelve minutes. Make sure that you are relaxed during this time.
You can also fill a foot bath with water and add in Epsom salt if you do not want to submerge yourself in a tub.