Believe it or not, there are hundreds of causes for frequent urination, spanning from things like urinary tract infections, enlarged prostates, certain types and doses of medications, right through to even more troubling things like tumor growths.
The cause of this frequent urination is important to decipher as in many cases, this particular cause will actually determine the type of treatment that is ultimately required. A lot of people still choose to head to the doctors with things like polyuria, whereas some people are starting to make a shift towards home remedies and things that happen more naturally.
Listed here are some different approaches and potential natural home remedies that a person could try in order to address the issue of frequent urination, prevent the development of potential complications and ultimately stem the flow.
Not everything will work for everybody and for every single case, and so the suggestions are only that, suggestions.
1. Pomegranate paste
Pomegranates can sometimes seem like the most pointless fruit to eat. All that effort of getting inside the fruit for a very small and quick reward can seem like a bit of a waste of time.
It can seem like a bit of waste of a resource too when the bulk of the item ends up in the trash or the compost. Well, how about using the skin of the pomegranate to make a home remedy for frequent urination conditions like polyuria? That could be a really good way to be economical with a pomegranate, whilst reaping huge health benefits in the process.
In order to prepare pomegranate paste, the skin needs to be removed and mashed up until it resembles a paste. This paste can then be diluted and mixed with water and a pinch of brown sugar if necessary. The mixture can be consumed twice a day for the best results.