Sometimes the home remedies are the best remedies and in many cases, people suffering from things like the symptoms of azotemia even claim that they get more relief from home remedies that they do from over the counter medications or surgical interventions.
Anything that affects the kidneys is something that can be quite a sensitive subject for those directly affected and their families. Staying in hospital beds between rounds and rounds of dialysis can seem like the last thing someone with azotemia would want to do and so there is a growing trend of people who are choosing home remedies and natural methods to help give some kind of relief from the symptoms of azotemia.
The 8 home remedies and methods listed here may not work for everyone, but the principles that underpin them all are certainly based on scientific and anecdotal evidence in that they have been found to be effective in treating the symptoms of azotemia.
1. Anti-Inflammatory, ketogenic diet and lifestyle
One of the absolute best ways to ensure and improve the health of the kidneys is to follow the principles of an anti-inflammatory diet, and not just for a couple of days either.
For people with low kidney functionality, an anti-inflammatory diet or even the ketogenic diet can be particularly useful. If the guidelines of a ketogenic diet are to be followed carefully, then roughly 70% of calories must come from healthy fat sources, whilst 20% of calories must come from clean proteins. The other 10% of calories in the diet need to be sourced from low carbohydrate foods and there you have your ideal ketogenic cocktail.
The results of this can be that inflammation is reduced, blood sugar levels can be stabilized and a reduction in toxin loads can be facilitated. On top of this, a diet of this kind provides all of the nutrients that are necessary for supporting a healthy level of blood sugars, as well as a healthy blood pH level.