Droopy or sagging eyelids can be a debilitating condition depending upon the severity. Officially known as ptosis, the droop can affect one eye or the other, or can affect both at the same time. It can also be barely noticeable or extremely severe. The primary cause of this condition is damage to the Lipitor muscle which is the muscle that is responsible for the movement of your eyelids.
There are six different types of ptosis which include aponeurotic ptosis, neurogenic ptosis, myogenic ptosis, mechanical ptosis, dramatic ptosis, and congenital ptosis. The first is the most common and it is associated with aging while congenital ptosis is found mostly in children because they are born with droopy eyelids.
Once your doctor identifies the cause of the ptosis, then he or she can make a determination under which category it fits into. Let’s take a look at some home remedies to get rid of this condition.
1. Tea Bags
A tea bag can be a pretty amazing solution to eye droopiness. One of the best teas to use for this is chamomile tea bags. The way to do it is through compress. You simply soak tea bags in hot water and allow the water to cool to room temperature. Then lay down somewhere comfortable in place the bags on your eyes. They are going to drip, so you may want to have a towel handy located behind your head so that you can wipe off your face easily and catch any drops that fall.
One of the reasons why this is such an effective treatment is that it relieves the pain and discomfort that comes with ptosis as well as having a direct effect upon the inflammation itself.
Research studies have shown that chamomile tea bags reduce inflammation as well as anxiety and contain particular phytochemicals that are especially good for eye problems.