2. Icing the broken collarbone is another home remedy.
Get an icepack or make your own ice compress. When making an ice compress, place the ice cubes in a clean towel before placing it on your collarbone. You don’t want to get frostbite while trying to relieve your symptoms. By icing the area, it will reduce swelling and pain. Ice the areas many times that you need to. It can be done every 10 minutes. The more times it’s done, the quicker the swelling will go away. When you ice the area, do it for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
Always use a clean cloth each time. With an icepack, you can use the same one. Keep the icepack in the freezer, so that it’ll stay cold. Even with an icepack, you’ll still need to place a towel on your collarbone first before placing the icepack on the area.