2 Learn to Self-Assess
Self-assessment is a key skill for anyone with narcolepsy. One of the most common questions surrounding this condition is whether or not it is safe for someone with narcolepsy to drive. The answer is yes: but only if they are careful and they recognize their own limitations.
By assessing your own condition, you will be able to judge whether or not you are safe to drive. Likewise, you will know how likely you are to be able to drive long distances. Many people with this condition can drive around the local area, but it would not be wise to drive much longer distances on the motorway which is tiring and soporific.
If you are unsure, the speaker with your doctor. They might suggest you take a Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (WMT) which is designed to test how able you are to remain awake even during boring circumstances. This will give you a good idea of your own capability, and from there you should attempt to monitor yourself closely.