Neck pain is something that is highly likely to be experienced by everyone at multiple points in their lives. Therefore, it seems like a good idea to simply prepare and hopefully prevent it, by reviewing some common factors that may cause neck pain.
Life is hard enough… it is nice to be able to get some pointers to avoid some of the pitfalls out there. It will likely save you some time, time off work, and discomfort in the long run.
If, however, you end up experiencing severe pain, or the pain is lasting more than a few days, if it is paired with numbness, tingling, or is spreading to your extremities… please go visit your doctor for a formal diagnosis. It doesn’t hurt to get a little extra prevention on the front end, testing included.
The cost may seem a deterrent, but with severe symptoms, it could cost far less to catch something early.
1. Poor Sleeping Position:
This is probably the most common cause of neck pain. A poor sleeping position, either one bad night or done repeatedly over time, can really put a crick in your neck.
Regular massages can help with the maintenance of healthy neck muscles, but choosing the right sleeping position for you can also do wonders for your physical comfort and health. Some say that sleeping flat on your back is the ultimate best sleeping position for your spinal column.
They claim that sleeping on your side can begin, over time, to offset the alignment of your body (hips, etc.). Many people enjoy sleeping on their side in somewhat of a fetal position and may find it difficult to transition to another style like on the back.
Try putting pillows under the knees and on either side of your body and/or head to increase your comfort in the new position.