Hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating. Excessive sweating can not only be embarrassing but can also be quite disruptive. Some people have night sweats that can be quite severe, causing them to wake up to drenched sheets and pillows. In addition, a simple task can become more difficult because of the amount of sweat produced by the hands.
Most of the time, a person who sweats excessively will turn to antiperspirant to try and stop the smell that comes from over sweating. However, many antiperspirants that are available contain toxins that can be harmful.
The good news is that there are many natural remedies that can help with sweating. These natural remedies work just as well and possibly even better than a conventional deodorant. Here are 8 natural remedies for hyperhidrosis that you can try to help control your excessive sweating without putting harmful toxins on your skin.
1. Aloe Vera
For those who are looking to sweat less, aloe vera gel and aloe vera juice can be used. Aloe vera has long been used as a first-aid plant. It can help to control profuse sweating. It can also help to reduce the smell that is caused by excessive sweating. It is best to make your own aloe vera gel because many of the aloe vera products that are sold in stores will contain preservatives.
To make your own aloe vera jelly you will need an aloe vera plant. Simply cut off one of the leaves and squeeze out the jelly that is inside it. Next, place the jelly in a blender and mix until it is frothy. Pour the jelly into a glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator. It is good for about a week. Use it under the arms or on any other areas that you have sweating issues.