Pain in your heel can vary from mild sensations of discomfort to excruciating pain that limits your mobility. There are a variety of conditions that cause heel pain, with the most common being issues concerning the ligaments and fascia tissue, as well as problems affecting the ankle and heel bone joint.
“Plantar fasciitis,” is a common form of tendonitis that occurs in the heel and sole. In this case, the plantar fascia attaches to the toes and extends to the heel bone. When the fascia experiences stress, it causes micro-tears in the tissue, resulting in the thickening of the ligament – leading to symptoms of pain.
If left untreated and unmanaged, symptoms of tendonitis, such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis reduce your mobility as the symptoms of pain and inflammation continue to increase. Should you notice any signs of heel pain, its best to make an appointment with a podiatrist for a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Here are eight natural ways to get rid of your heel pain.
This treatment is effective at reducing the symptoms of pain and swelling associated with heel pain caused by tendonitis and joint inflammation. Take a bag of frozen peas or ice block and wrap it in a dishtowel. Lie down on the couch and apply the ice pack to your heel. Leave it there for 5-minutes until you start to notice your heel going numb.
Remove the ice for 5-minutes and let your skin recover from the cold compress, then apply the icepack for another 5-minutes. Repeat this treatment for as long as necessary until you experience relief from pain symptoms.
After your treatment, slip on a compression sock. These socks place supportive pressure on the tissues, ligaments, and joints, compressing them together. This effect increases circulation in your heel, reducing symptoms of pain and inflammation. Wear the compression socks for the duration of the day, and remove them at night before you go to bed.