The hookworm infection is an infection of a parasite that happens in certain parts of the world. Although it is not uncommon when you look at the health statistics in general, it is actually quite a problem in places where people walk barefoot through areas that had been contaminated with human feces.
In addition, sitting in soil or touching the soil with the hands that have been contaminated with human feces can also lead to hookworm infection.
The good news is, the chances of getting this type of infection in a developed country with an enclosed sewage system is so rare that it barely happens at all. The bad news is, in undeveloped countries where the ground is often used as a toilet and where children and other people may not have proper footwear it can be a huge problem. But there are also some natural remedies that can help. Let’s take a look at eight of them.
1. Wearing Shoes
One of the ways the can protect yourself from getting the hookworm infection is by not going barefoot in high-risk areas. Make sure that if you’re walking through soil that may have been infected by human feces that you wear shoes.
Of course, as mentioned, this is not necessary and developed parts of the world. In fact, it is actually quite healthy to walk around barefoot as long as the soil has little to no chance of being infected by hookworm.
In undeveloped parts of the world that do not always have available toilets and enclosed sewage systems, then it is necessary to avoid this infection by wearing shoes.
Unfortunately, one of the issues is that not everyone has a pair of shoes in these undeveloped parts of the world which can spread the infection even wider. In that case, if you do have walk barefoot, then avoid areas that you know are contaminated.