2. Carotenoids
Zeaxanthin and lutein are two other nutrients that are very important when it comes to improving your eyesight. Each of these nutrients is referred to as carotenoids and they are found inside the retina. You can find carotenoids in almost every type of green and leafy vegetables.
Zucchini and broccoli are good sources of carotenoids. They can also be found in eggs. You may also take zeaxanthin and lutein in a supplement form.
These carotenoids will help to protect the macula as they improve the density of the pigment in that area of the eye and they help to absorb ultraviolet as well as blue lights. If you choose to take carotenoids in a supplement form it is important to make sure that you only purchase a brand that is reputable.
Read consumer reviews and purchase the supplements from a reputable source to ensure that you are taking a quality product.