Meralgia paresthetica is also called Bernhardt-Roth syndrome. The condition is neurological and causes burning, pain, numbness, or tingling around the outer area of the thigh. Typically, the condition is not serious and will often resolve on its own.
The condition is often a result of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve being compressed. Damage to the nerve can also result in this condition. The femoral cutaneous nerve starts in the lower area of the spine and travels down the groin into your leg.
There are several things that may cause meralgia paresthetica such as wearing tight clothing, standing for long periods of time, running, biking, etc can all cause meralgia paresthetica. People who suffer from diabetes are more likely to develop MP as well. If you are suffering from meralgia paresthetica here are 8 natural ways to help treat the condition.
1. Over the Counter Pain Medications
One of the first lines of defense against the pain that is caused by meralgia paresthetica is simply taking over the counter pain medications. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used in order to help deal with the pain that is caused by this condition.
Unfortunately, using these pain medications can have some side effects that many people do not want to deal with. If you continue to use these pain medications for long periods of time it can cause damage to the liver and other organs. If you are suffering from the pain associated with meralgia paresthetica taking over the counter medications to help ease the pain for a short amount of time is recommended.
However, this is not a cure for the long term and if the pain continues, visiting the doctor for a further treatment plan is recommended. There could be another underlying condition that is causing the pain so it is important to discuss it with a medical professional.