There is a growing trend in recent times which has seen people moving away from over the counter medications and surgery and leaning towards treatment methods that are altogether much more natural.
This trend has been observed across much of the healthcare industry with everything from essential oils to Reiki and massages taking center stage from time to time.
Basically, any kind of natural therapy will have its opportunity to shine and grab the headlines as the next miracle cancer cure or the most amazing remedy for treating arthritis. The best way to approach natural treatment options for peripheral neuropathy is with an open mind, making sure you remember that works for one person won’t necessarily work for the next person.
Listed and expanded upon here are 8 possible ways that someone suffering from peripheral neuropathy could try and treat their symptoms with. Not all of them might be for you, but trial and error is a good way to go with natural therapies.
1. Vitamins
A somewhat controversial inclusion on any list of natural treatment options perhaps, it all comes down to how far you want to pursue the term natural.
Vitamins can be found in plenty of naturally occurring food sources, especially a wide range of fruits and vegetables. There is never really any need for supplementation as long as a person ensures they are eating a truly balanced diet that contains a range of fruits and vegetables.
The only vitamin that most people would definitely benefit from supplementing is vitamin D, especially in places where sunshine is at a premium.
All that said, if you’re prepared to accept that supplementation does deserve to be included in a list of natural remedies, then taking a multivitamin tablet every day or a range of different vitamin tablets could help when it comes to treating the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.
Essentially, as long you ensure you’re getting your vitamins you’re sweet.