Pure Alexia or word blindness can be something that affects one individual in a profoundly different way to how it might affect another individual. The causes of the condition are many and varied, and whilst there is no known cure, there are lots of things that a person and the people around them can do to make the condition a little more bearable for everyone involved.
Tracing the root cause of an illness or injury is something that doctors will always try to do as establishing the reason for the presence of something can often dictate or at least inform the best and most appropriate path of treatment.
This lost looks at 8 of the possible causes for alexia and expands upon them just enough so that you might be able to consider whether or not it is relevant to you. No opinion from the internet is worth as much as a doctor’s opinion though, remember that.
1. Stroke
One of the potential causes of alexia is stroke. A stroke is best described as a very serious and life-threatening medical condition that happens when part of the brain finds that its blood supply is cut off or partially inhibited.
Every stroke should be treated as an emergency, as in all cases urgent treatment is absolutely essential and should be the first and foremost priority for any caregiver.
It is certainly true that the earlier a person receives treatment for a stroke or is assessed for a suspected stroke, the less damage there is likely to be left over after the stroke.
One of the long term implications or consequences of a stroke can be alexia, but given the seriousness of stroke, as it is happening, it is very unlikely that anyone would pay any mind to the possibility of alexia forming during the course of the stroke.