The SI joins, or sacroiliac joins are found between the iliac bones and other soft tissue. They are found at the top of the buttocks and near the bottom of the spine on each side of the body.
A lot of things can cause SI joint dysfunction, including overuse and injuries. Sometimes something as simple as twisting to one side to quickly can cause SI joint problems. SI joint dysfunction can be severe and make it hard for people to move around properly. There are many activities and exercises that can aggravate the condition and make the pain worse.
Once a person has problems with their SI joints, it is often reoccurring. It can take many months for a person to recover from SI joint injuries and in some cases, surgery is needed. If you are suffering from SI joint dysfunction, you should be sure to avoid these eight activities.
1. Sit-Ups
Sit-ups are a lot like crunches, and they allow you to work out your stomach and core muscles to get a trim and slender appearance. While the goal may be to work out your stomach muscles and abs, but you still use your lower back muscles and ligaments to complete the motion of a sit-up.
You also risk the chance of misaligning your spine while doing sit-ups, which can cause even more problems for your lower back. The pressure and strain on the lower back muscles during set up can be enough to cause SI joint dysfunction. If you already have problems with your SI joint, it can make those problems much worse.
Sit-ups just aren’t worth the problems that can cause someone with SI joint problems. You may have to find other exercises that can help you tighten your core with less resistance and pressure on the lower back.