If you are familiar with the word Lumbago, then you are probably in the category of person this article is written for. Lumbago is a fancy way of saying the pain of the lower joints and muscles of the back. It comes from the late 17th century, its Latin root lumbus, meaning loin; which makes sense as that describes accurately the lower back area included.
It seems fairly obvious that this can be caused by a countless variety of things, so let us get into the nitty-gritty, the juice, really… of how to relieve such a situation as much as possible.
Remember that meeting and consulting with a licensed professional is often the best approach, but… until then… there’s always the internet; which… does have a lot of good tips, considering it is built upon darn near-global experience and input. So, without further ado… eight tips for relieving Lumbago.
1. Massage:
The sometimes sudden onset pain of lumbago may be relieved by massage of the quadratus lumborum or QL. This muscle runs from the hip to the lower spine, then up to the lowest rib. If this muscle seizes up, pain can often occur. Maybe an individual has been overactive and the muscle is acting up. In any case, this can sometimes help relieve lumbago.
You may use a tennis ball or your hands, or similar, to press into this area of the muscle on either side of the lower spine. It is also a good idea to try walking a little bit, bending over forward to stretch this area, as well as bending to either side to stretch it. Be gentle, and only go as far as you are able to without being risky to cause more pain. Do what feels comfortable for you.