A very resilient and persistent microorganism, adenovirus sticks around, clinging on to objects and surfaces for a long time. Even alcohol-based sanitizers and cleaners can’t shift this little limpet of a disease. Oral secretions, droplets of breath and other such horrible oozes from orifices allow transmission from one child to another to happen readily and rapidly.
So too, can it transmit via indirect contact, which makes doorknobs, shopping trolleys and toys all potential sources of contamination? If adenovirus is about, your kids are probably going to get it. So once they’ve got it, you need to know one thing, how to get rid of it. Well, here are 8 ways to get rid of adenovirus, some more gruesome than others, but all effective in their own way.
It’s worth saying that kids should stay home when they’re suffering from a fever, and it wouldn’t hurt to teach them to wash their hands regularly. Prevention, if you can manage it, is always better than the cure.
1. Lots of rest
Believe it or not, you can virtually sleep it off. Bed rest, or sofa rest if you’re that way inclined (or reclined), is one of the best ways to beat the virus. With the body’s efforts and energies concentrated on things only, killing off the virus, you can relax your brain and body, or the kids’ brains and bodies, with a box set binge and a box of chocolates on the side.
It may seem like a lounge lizard’s paradise, but this genuinely is one sure-fire way to beat adenovirus and keep it beat. When you’re feeling poorly, you’re less inclined to want to do things anyway, so now is the time to relax, recover and recuperate, no matter how old you are. Sometimes, all kids need to feel better is a free pass to sleep all day, without having to worry about getting up and out. Sleep it off.