Passionflower has many different benefits for people who choose to use it as a natural remedy. Most people will opt to use it as a tea, due to the easiness this affords when it comes to consumption.
Amongst the numerous things that passionflower has been shown to be good for are sleep disorders such as insomnia, as well as a range of psychological and mental health problems such as anxiety or depression. It has also been found to be effective in the soothing of certain menopausal symptoms, as well as for stimulating libido and helping to curb drug addictions.
That’s a lot of plus points for a humble ingredient such as the passionflower, and so eight of these things are explained in a little more detail here, again with the assumption being that passionflower is consumed within a tea. Whilst the stem and the root are used in many cases too, the tea is brewed specifically with the leaves.
1. Menopause
A stressful time in the lives of many women, menopause can often bring about difficult mood swings, significant hormonal changes and imbalances, anxiety and even sleep problems. Passionflower tea has incredible soothing capabilities meaning that some of these problems can be addressed with a simple cup of tea.
You’ve heard the saying that tea fixes everything, and whilst this may be a little far fetched, a cup or two of passionflower tea can certainly make a big difference to the day to day life of someone going through the menopause.
Neurotransmitters can be balanced and mood-improving and hormone-regulating GABA can also be released into the system. All of this from a simple cup of tea infused with passionflower, who would’ve thought it?
Well, since you asked, lots of different cultures over many centuries would’ve thought it actually. They did it too, and so should women today looking for relief from the symptoms of the menopause.