You might have noticed some receding in your gum line as time goes on. It might have progressed at a subtle pace at first but now you’ve noticed that your teeth are far more exposed than they used to be. Receding gums isn’t necessarily cause for immediate panic, it’s still important that you understand what might be causing it to ensure that you can slow or stop the recession before the problem becomes too severe.
We recommend putting together a treatment plan with your dentist as soon as you notice the issue. Receding gums in itself isn’t a disease that is very severe or threatening to your oral health, but it weakens the overall health in your mouth which could leave your teeth and gums more susceptible to other forms of infections such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and abscesses. If you suspect that your gums may be receding but aren’t sure, you should consider taking weekly pictures of your gum line to track its progress.
1. Periodontal diseases
Receding gums could come alone at times due to various causes, but there are also cases where they come as an early symptom of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an infection that can destroy the bone and gum tissue that hold your teeth in place, eventually leading to tooth loss if left untreated. Periodontal disease is also commonly referred to as gum disease and is actually the most common cause for receding gums.
Other symptoms that you might have if you suffer from periodontal disease include sensitivity in your teeth, swelling of the gums, and constant bad breath despite efforts to remedy it. If you want to save your teeth, you should book a dentist’s appointment as soon as you see any symptoms or precursors to the disease. Sure, it might cost a bit to get it treated, but the bill will be nowhere near the price of a full set of dentures once you lose your teeth.