If you’re struggling with high blood pressure, then it can be useful to reflect on precisely what this means and why it is so important that you do something about it.
High blood pressure means that the amount of pressure in your closed system – your cardiovascular system – is too great.
This in turn means that the blood is too densely packed inside the blood vessels in order to move around them freely and easily. This can be a result of high blood viscosity (meaning the blood is thick and sticky) or it can mean that the veins themselves are too narrow. It might also mean that the heartrate is very high resulting in too much pressure being generated.
Imagine a balloon that is being pumped full of more and more air. This is basically what’s going on and eventually, we all know what happens to that balloon: it bursts!
In this case, you can end up suffering from a heart attack or a stroke and this is why it’s so important that you do something about this.
Fortunately, there are plenty of lifestyle changes and other methods you can use to immediately solve this issue. Here are 15 of them.
1. Take an Aspirin
In the short term, one of the best things you can do in order to improve your blood pressure is to take an aspirin. This is a pain medication and so it can help to manage some of the side effects of high blood pressure such as headache.
However, the real benefit here comes from the fact that aspirin is a blood thinner. This means it can counter the effects of having thick, viscous blood and make it much thinner and much more able to flow easily around your circulatory system.
The same things also goes for Ibuprofen.