The body needs oxygen, but it also needs carbon dioxide to function correctly. The levels of both of these must be at a certain level, or the body starts to shut down, and a person experiences Alkalosis. When a person is breathing too deeply or too quickly, their carbon dioxide levels drop, and PH levels in the blood become unbalanced. The blood becomes too alkaline, and the organs start to shut down. This is a common condition that can be brought on by many different things.
Most people notice the first mild symptoms of the condition quickly and are able to recover, control their breathing, and allow their PH levels to balance on their own. If the Alkalosis is severe, the person may require medical attention to restore PH levels and help correct their breathing, so they aren’t at risk for Alkalosis again.
These are some of the most common symptoms of this condition.
1. Nausea
Alkalosis occurs in stages, and one of the earliest symptoms is nausea. When there is an upset in the way the body works, the stomach can be sensitive to the change. Nausea is common with this condition and can even lead to vomiting. Many people don’t realize why they feel nauseous, and this symptom alone is not enough to lead to an Alkalosis diagnosis. Many people do not even seek medical attention for this symptom because they assume it’s not caused by something serious.
Nausea is a symptom of many different health problems, and the only way to rule out something as serious as Alkalosis is to talk to a doctor. Doctors will perform a variety of tests, and if the problem is found soon enough, treatment can prevent nausea from getting worse and prevent other symptoms from occurring.
If this symptom occurs with other symptoms of Alkalosis, seek medical treatment immediately.