Personally, I haven’t been in the habit of napping too often. But, after doing the research… I think I might start. The benefits seem to be well worth finding the time.
Research shows that keeping it to about 10-180 minutes will keep you away from sleep inertia (the point at which your body wants to keep on sleeping, so you awaken groggily), but long enough to get the benefits that are listed below here.
Experts say that for the traditional person in America, the ideal time to take your siesta will be around 1-3 PM. Again, this is for the traditional daytime worker, who stays busy and ideally is able to get in a little bit of exercise in their day.
This here creates the ideal cocktail for rest, rejuvenation, and optimal performance ability. If you’re able to find the same spot to take it in each day, that’s even better.
1. Mood:
Taking a nap in the middle of the day can increase serotonin levels and re-stabilize homeostasis in the body. When done in combination with light exercise during a day’s time, your mood can see a real boost.
People who have a full day, but take a break for a nap in the middle claim their mood is more relaxed and natural afterward, as compared to when they do not take a nap. They find socialization more natural feeling and feel a greater sense of peace and contentment. You may find it hard to find time during your day to add in a power nap.
Take your time and allow for the process of trial and error to find when and where is your best time and place to take your siesta (mid-day short nap). Maybe it is in your car with some gentle music playing on your lunch break? Maybe it is at your home if you live close to where you work?