Folliculitis is when the hair follicles become infected. It comes in the form of red, bumpy, pus-filled pimples that are found on a hair follicle. The hair follicles are small pouches located all over the body where hair grows. Folliculitis is typically caused by bacteria, such as staphylococcus aureus.
The most common areas for a person to develop folliculitis is on the legs, back, arms, scalp, buttocks, and beard area. In some cases, an injury to an area can cause folliculitis. Blockages, wearing rough clothes, and shaving may all cause hair follicles to become infected resulting in folliculitis.
If you are experiencing pimples that burn or itch and have a hair in the center of them, it is likely folliculitis. When the pimples pop, blood or pus may drain from them. If you are suffering from folliculitis there are several home remedies that you can use in order to ease some of the discomforts.
1. White Vinegar
White vinegar has powerful antibacterial properties. It is also a disinfectant agent. It can be used to help cure folliculitis as it is very useful in reducing the bacteria that cause folliculitis to form in the first place. In order to use white vinegar as a cure for folliculitis, you will want to mix a tbsp of it with about two cups of water.
Next, dip a cotton ball into the vinegar solution. Apply the cotton ball to the pimple or hair follicle that has become infected. You should keep this cotton ball over the area for at least twenty minutes.
If necessary you can use a bandage to hold the cotton ball in place while you do other things. You should use this treatment at least twice each day for several days. Most of the time these infected hair follicles and pus-filled boils will go away in just a day or two.