2. Conjunctivitis
Pink eye or conjunctivitis is typically caused by some type of adenovirus. These are pesky viruses that can cause sore throats, bronchitis, and the common cold. While these viruses typically do not cause anything that is very serious, a pink eye can spread throughout a public area such as a school or workplace quite quickly.
A virus particle that is on a surface can live for around two weeks. This means that a surface can remain contaminated for up to 14 days. If you have a vision that is blurry and your eye has become red, swollen, and crusty, chances are high that you have some type of virus causing the issue.
Typically, this ailment will clear up within a week or two without any type of treatment. If your symptoms are severe you should talk to your doctor about antiviral or antibiotic medications that you can use to help get your vision back to normal.